Housemaid Woody

Housemaid Woody," a film shot entirely on an iPhone 8, delves into the story of Woodynesh, a housemaid in Lebanon. This project aimed to capture the resilience and determination of individuals like Woodynesh, who work far from home to support their families. Through interviews and footage captured over two days, the film offers a heartfelt portrayal of the experiences and perspectives of housemaids in Lebanon, highlighting their strength and resilience.

Working with limited equipment and resources presented a primary challenge for the project. Without access to typical camera equipment, I relied on the iPhone 8 to capture footage and conduct interviews, requiring creativity and resourcefulness to maintain quality and authenticity.

Despite these constraints, the filmmaker dedicated themselves to capturing Woodynesh's story in the best possible way. Through careful planning and thoughtful storytelling, they created a compelling and emotionally resonant film that captures the essence of Woodynesh's journey. By leveraging the capabilities of the iPhone 8 and maximizing available resources, the filmmaker successfully brought Woodynesh's story to life, inspiring viewers to reflect on the resilience and strength of individuals like her.

Housemaid Woody" garnered recognition in various film festivals and competitions, including being selected as a semi-finalist at the MOBILE MOTION INTERNATIONAL SMARTPHONE FILM FESTIVAL, out of 300 submissions.




Gannet & Sage